God sri mnan pa A


// god sri mnan pa bzhugs pa legs s+ho /

Ritual for the pressing down of Vampires of Loss.


1. // god sri gnan pa ni / god srog snying god khragis (khrag gis) tri gcig bris la / god thod gyis

2. nang du bcug la / de res bas dril / rus pa ’di rnaṃs snyed tshadng (tshad dang) / rna ba sruge (srug ge?) / blo khrag rnaṃs bsogs la / sngon la lha

3. la dpung bzhal / gzu dpang bdar / god sri bkug la stiṃs / sdong bzla’ yod na bden pa bdar la ’di bskad gyer ro /

4. hūṃ nyin gcig srid pa’i lhre (lha ’dre) kun / las ngan yid dwag ’dre bcu / ’di la bden pa ma

5. chud pas / srid pa sdyed (sde brgyad) dregs pa can / ’di’i rgyab dang dpung ma byed / sngonyi (sngon gyi) bskal pa dang po

For subjugating Vampires of Loss, write a TRI with the blood of the life force and heart of a Loss victim; insert it inside the skull of a Loss victim, and wrap it in cotton cloth. Gather up as many bones of these as you can find, as well as a pair of (TY) ears and blood from the lungs; First, secure the support (dpung bzhal TY) of the gods; invoke them as witnesses, then summon the Vampire of Loss and diffuse it [into the effigies]. If there is an assistant [for the priest], for the invocation of the truth say as follows:

HUM! One day all the gods and demons of the phenomenal world, the ten demonic hungry ghosts with their karmic burden, failed to appreciate this as the truth. The eight haughty ones of the phenomenal world did not support it. At the beginning of the world ages,


1. la/ gnaṃ la bdud kyis skyin dang bcas/ sa la seṃn (sems can) mang po shi/ rus

2. pa sa la lhung pa rnaṃs/ rta rus khyim du lus pa las/ phyi lo rta’i god sri song/ rta’i rus

3. la ming dang khram bris la/ skyin dang bab pa’i shul du mnan/ rta’i god sri thul lo mnan/

4. mdzo’i rus la khraṃ bris la/ skyin dang bab pa’i shul du mnan/ mdzo’i god sri thulo (thul lo)

5. mnan/ g.yagis (g.yag gis) rus la ming dang khaṃ bris la/ rkyin dang babs pa’i shul du mnan/

in the sky, the demons caused hail to fall, and on earth many creatures died. The bones that fell on the ground, from the bones of horses that were left in the houses, the following year there came Vampires of Loss of Horses. Write the name [of the owner?] and draw crossed lines on a horse’s bone, and perform the “pressing down” after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Horses, press it down! Draw crossed lines on the bone of a dzo, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of dzos, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a yak’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm.



1. g.yag gis god sri btulo (btul lo) mnan/ ’bri’i rus la ming dang khraṃ bris la/ skyin dang babs pa’i shul du

2. mnan/ ’bri’i god sri thul lo mnan/ ba’i rus la ming dang khraṃ bris la/ skyin dang babs pa’i shul=/

3. ba’i god sri btulo (btul lo)=/ glang gis rus la ming=/ skyin dang babs pa’i=/ glang gis god=/ lug gis

4. rus la ming dang=/ skyin dang babs pas shul=/ lugis (lug gis) god sri btul lo=/ ra’i rus la ming dang=/

5. skyin dang babs pa’i shul=/ ra’i god sri btul lo=/ bong bu’i rus la ming dang=/ skyin dang babs

6. pa’i shul=/ bong bu’i god sri btul lo=/ rta’i god sri tulo (tul lo) mnan/ mdzo’i god sri=/ g.yagis (g.yag gis)

Defeat the Loss Vampire of Yaks, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a yak-cow’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Yak-cows, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a cow bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Cows, press it down! Write a name and draw crossed lines on a bull’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Bulls, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a sheep’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Sheep, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a goat’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Goats, press it down! Write the name and draw crossed lines on a donkey’s bone, and press it down after a hailstorm. Defeat the Loss Vampire of Donkeys, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Horses, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Dzos, press it down!


1. god sri btul lo=/ ’bri’i god=/ glang gis god=/ ba’i god sri=/ lug gis god sri=/

2. ra’i god sri=/ bong bu’i god sri btulo (btul lo) mnan/ rus pa’i pha ni zhe sdang che/ rus pa’i ma ni ’dodgs (’dod chags)

3. che/ dang pho pha dang ma las byung/ rab du [< bar du?] rnaṃs shes ’dre la ’khor / dang po chags pa lte bar chags/ de

4. nas lus dang yan lag chags/ rnaṃs par shes ba snying la chags/ snying la ’dod ’dre chags pa mnan/

5. dbang po sgo lnga mgo la yod/ god sri dbang po sgo lngar mnan/ lta bar byed pa mig yang

6. yin/ mthong byed dbang po nyaṃs par bya/ nyan par byed pa rna ba yin/ sgra’i dbang po nyaṃs par bya/

Defeat the Loss Vampire of Yaks, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Yak-cows, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Cows, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Sheep, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Goats, press it down! Defeat the Loss Vampire of Donkeys, press it down! The father of the bones was full of hate; the mother of the bones was full of desire. It was from these parents that they first came, and later the consciousness approached a demon.  The first thing to develop was the navel; then there developed the body and the limbs; the consciousness then settled at the heart. Crush down the demon of desire that settled at the heart! The doors of the five sense-fields are in the head; press down the Vampire of Loss at its five sense-doors! It is the eyes that give sight: impair that sense of sight! It is the ears that give hearing: impair the sense of hearing!


1. snom par byed pa sna yin pas/ dri’i dbang po nyaṃs par bya/ myong par byed pa lce yin pas/ ro’i dbang po

2. nyaṃs par bya/ dran par byed pa snying yin pas/ ’gyur byed dbang po nyaṃs par bya / ’ogo (’go bo?) lcags khang sgo med du/

3. las ngan ’dre’i rnaṃs shes ’di/ rang dbang medr (med par) bkug nas ni/ ’gro dbang med par bsdaṃ par bya/ ces

4. gdabs te  / sho chu (shwa chu) ’brug shulṃ (shul laṃ) / laṃ rgya graṃs du mnan no/ dgra’i phyung/phyugs ldan lta bur / dong gruṃ (gru gsum) la mnano (mnan no)/ hūṃ sa rim

5. pa dgu’i ’og shed na/ ’dre srin byur gsuṃ gyis yul yin pas/ rang gis yul ’di dran par gyis/

6. zas kyis skal pa de na yod/ gshien (gshin rje) nag po’i chos bshad pas/ dge sdig las ’di gran par gyis/

It is the nose that gives smell: impair the sense of smell! It is the tongue that gives taste: impair the sense of taste! It is the heart that provides memory: impair the sense that brings about change (i.e. the mind, sems)! This consciousness of the evil demon has been forced into the doorless iron chamber of its own head. Bind it so that it is unable to move!


After striking it, perform the “pressing down” either at the dried course of a flash flood or at a crossroads. At a place that resembles the phyugs ldan (?) of the enemy, dig a triangular pit and bury it in there.


HUM! Beneath the nine levels of the earth is the land of the dre, srin and byur demons. Think of this land of yours – that is where your allotted food is. Bear in mind the virtuous and sinful actions about which the black lord of death has given religious instruction.


1. byang chub seṃs ni ma seṃs par/ naṃ yang thon par ma gyur cig/ ōṃ laṃ nan/ staṃ
2. pa ya nan/ ma ra ya nan/ ces byas la laṃ gsuṃ sogs par mnano (mnan no)/ de’i khar dug shing dang dug chu la sogs par mnano (mnan no)/ rdo
3. nag po’i mnan no/ rdoer (rdo rje) rgya gram gyi kha bcad do/ sa rims pa dgu’i ’og na mnano (mnan no)/ god sri mnan pas phyug rnaṃs sri kha nas thar ro/
4. gto rgyud ’buṃ thig gi nang nas god kha rgyas ’debs la/ phyug yang du shi na shi zhug de’i thod pa la/ stag par g.yurng (g.yung drung)/ dpral bar
5. rdo rje rgya gyaṃ/ de’i phyi rims du spar kha rgyad bris/ bon chos rdo dang gsuṃ gyi phyagyas (phyag rgyas) spyad mdzad bzhes bya  / ’graṃs pa g.yas
6. g.yon la god srid kha thaṃ/ god sri staṃ pa ya nan/ god sri thaṃs cad bya ba bris/ mgoo (mgo bo) nang du god sri god ’gong thaṃd (thams cad) brubso (brubs so)/
7. god ’dre nan nan/ bcado (bcad do) mnano (mnan no)/ ma ldang cig bya ba bris la/ ra ba’i thangsṃ (thangs sam)/ srang mdo’ laṃ rgya graṃ du mnano (mnan no)/ me

Until you ponder the thought of enlightenment, may you never get out! (mantras) With these words, perform the “pressing down” at some meeting of the ways, and subjugate it further by covering it with poisonous wood and water and suchlike, as well as black stones, and seal the opening with a vajra crossed. Press it down beneath the nine-tiered earth. Following the crushing of the Vampire of Loss, your livestock will escape from the maw of the vampires.


Bind and seal the Loss using the ’Bum thig, that is a tantra of gto. If your cattle continue to die, take the skull of the last one to die and on the occiput draw a swastika; on the forehead draw pair of crossed vajras; and on the outside rim draw the eight trigrams. Set the seals of Bon, Buddhism and the vajra. On the right side and left sides of the jaw place write “seal the mouths of the Vampires of Loss; press down the Vampires of Loss, all Vampires of Loss. All Vampires and Demons of Loss are imprisoned inside this head. The Demons of Loss have been pressed down; they have been annihilated and pressed down. Do not rise again!” This is what you should write. Perform the rite of pressing down on the ground of a cattle pen, or at a crossroads.


1. chu sa rdo bzhi’i mnan no/ bro rdung ste ’di skad do/ bso ’byung ba lnga’i gdan stengsu (stengs su)/ gsas chen ru lnga’i

2. bro brdung pas/ dug lnga gnas su dag bar brdung / sri khung gsang ba’i steng shed du/ rtag la me bhar

3. bro brdung pas/ phyogs bzhi’i gdon bgegs zil gyi gnon/ lcags spyang snol pa’i bdan stengs su/ pho

4. lha rgyang (< rgyung?) dgu’i bro brdungs nas/ phung sri ralen (ral chen?) nan gyi nan/ wa mo snol pa’i gdan stengsu (stengs su)/ ma

5. sman g.yu phyug bro brdung pas/ mo sri smang ’dre nan gyi nan/ sbre mo snol pa’i bdan stengsu (stengs su)/

6. bawa (?) ye shes bro brdungs pas/ chung sri bu rkun nan gyi nan/ rta thod snol pa’i bdan stengsu (stengs su)/ pra phud dbu

Press them down with fire, water, earth and stone. Perform a dance and say as follows: bSo! Upon this seat of the five elements perform the dance of the set of five great gsas gods; dance so that the five poisons are purified in their own natural condition (TY). Upon the secret vampire pit, step the dance of sTag la me ‘bar and subdue the harmful obstructors of the four directions. Upon a seat of interlaced iron wolves step the dance of the nine rgyung (mountain gods), the gods of the males, and press down the shaggy-haired Vampires of Defeat. Upon a seat of interlaced foxes step the dance of the ma sman g.yu phyug goddesses, and press down the bearded (? smang < sma) demons that are the Vampires of Females. Upon a seat of interlaced stone-foxes step the dance of Bwa ye shes, and press down the child-thieving Vampires of the Little Ones. Upon a seat of interlaced horse skulls execute the dance of the nine-headed vajra,




Line 1, gsas chen ru lnga, the set of five great gods: the gods in question are dBal gsas, rGod gsas, Ngam gsas, gTum gsas and Gar gsas (check sp.)


1. dgu’i bro brdung pas / god ’gong spun dgu nan gyi nan/ g.yag ru snol pa’i bdan

2. stengsu (stengs su)/ bar lha dar ma’i bro brdungs pas/ dgra sri ma lus nan gyi nan/ lha dang gsas kyi mthu’i

3. mnan/ bon dang gshen gyi smrang gyi mnan/ shug mgon stobs chen stobs gyi mnan/ ye gshen

4. dbang rdzogs gyer gyi mnan/ dgra kha kun la ngan stongs mnan / bsaṃ sbyor ngan pa thaṃd (thams cad) mnan/ mnan

5. pa’i ’og nas ma ldang cig/ gzir ba’i ’og nas ma ’phar cig/ dge’o/ bkris (bkra shis) so/ zhuso (zhus so)/

and press down the nine siblings, the Demons of Greed that bring loss. Upon a seat of interlaced yak horns step out the dance of youthful gods of the middle space (unknown), and thoroughly press down the hostile vampires without exception. Press them down with the magical power of the lha gods and the gsas gods; press them down with the recitations of the bon and gshen priests; press them down with the powerful and mighty protectors; press them down with the chant of the almighty primordial gshen; send misfortune against the gossip of the enemy and press them down; crush all evil intentions. Do not arise from where you are buried, do not get up from where I have forced you down! Blessings.
