1. chu sa rdo bzhi’i mnan no/ bro rdung ste ’di skad do/ bso ’byung ba lnga’i gdan stengsu (stengs su)/ gsas chen ru lnga’i
2. bro brdung pas/ dug lnga gnas su dag bar brdung / sri khung gsang ba’i steng shed du/ rtag la me bhar
3. bro brdung pas/ phyogs bzhi’i gdon bgegs zil gyi gnon/ lcags spyang snol pa’i bdan stengs su/ pho
4. lha rgyang (< rgyung?) dgu’i bro brdungs nas/ phung sri ralen (ral chen?) nan gyi nan/ wa mo snol pa’i gdan stengsu (stengs su)/ ma
5. sman g.yu phyug bro brdung pas/ mo sri smang ’dre nan gyi nan/ sbre mo snol pa’i bdan stengsu (stengs su)/
6. bawa (?) ye shes bro brdungs pas/ chung sri bu rkun nan gyi nan/ rta thod snol pa’i bdan stengsu (stengs su)/ pra phud dbu
Press them down with fire, water, earth and stone. Perform a dance and say as follows: bSo! Upon this seat of the five elements perform the dance of the set of five great gsas gods; dance so that the five poisons are purified in their own natural condition (TY). Upon the secret vampire pit, step the dance of sTag la me ‘bar and subdue the harmful obstructors of the four directions. Upon a seat of interlaced iron wolves step the dance of the nine rgyung (mountain gods), the gods of the males, and press down the shaggy-haired Vampires of Defeat. Upon a seat of interlaced foxes step the dance of the ma sman g.yu phyug goddesses, and press down the bearded (? smang < sma) demons that are the Vampires of Females. Upon a seat of interlaced stone-foxes step the dance of Bwa ye shes, and press down the child-thieving Vampires of the Little Ones. Upon a seat of interlaced horse skulls execute the dance of the nine-headed vajra,
Line 1, gsas chen ru lnga, the set of five great gods: the gods in question are dBal gsas, rGod gsas, Ngam gsas, gTum gsas and Gar gsas (check sp.)